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The work of the Woodlands Methodist Church Foundation helps to support TWMC’s mission and vision each year and your generosity plays a vital role in this ongoing support. Historically, the Foundation has received donations through outright gifts, securities or property, and estate planning as legacy gifts. Giving in each of these ways makes an incredible impact on the work of the Foundation! Today, we are excited to launch a brand new avenue of giving to the Foundation – the opportunity to become a Foundation Partner.

Our Foundation Partners play a pivotal role in underwriting the annual operating costs of the Foundation. By doing so, they directly enhance the resources available to support the diverse array of ministries and programs associated with TWMC.

Additionally, gifts from our Foundation Partners provide a reliable, steady stream of funds for the Foundation, enabling us to amplify our impact year after year. While other forms of giving, such as memorial or honorary gifts, securities, or legacy planning, are incredibly meaningful, they can often arise unexpectedly. Foundation Partnerships, on the other hand, help to offer a predictable avenue for sustained support that we hope you will commit to annually.

Becoming a Foundation Partner also serves as an accessible entry point for those of all ages who are eager to contribute to the Foundation's vital work. It's an invitation to do more together as we support our shared commitment to making a difference through the Woodlands Methodist Church – now and for generations to come.

I invite you to prayerfully consider joining my family and I in partnering with the Foundation. For an annual donation of $100 per person, you’ll become one of our first Foundation Partners. As we launch this new initiative, we are asking for 100 people to join as first-year partners. We plan to honor our partners and show appreciation for your contribution by sharing news and early updates about the exciting work of the Foundation with you on a regular basis. Your gift today directly impacts the future, and we are grateful for your dedicated generosity that supports the mission and ministry of TWMC through The Woodlands Methodist Church Foundation. Visit to learn more about becoming a Foundation Partner and enroll online.

In Christ,

Rev. Drew Essen

Executive Pastor

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Janet and Steve Anna
Sally and Kim Bacon
Nancy Bodey
Dr. Susan and Dean Borg
Laura and Tom Brimer
Jennifer Bruse
Linda Canion
Lyndsey and Mike Christopher
Carolyn Cross
Claire and Rev. Pierce Drake
Kristen and Rev. Drew Essen
Nancy and John Faucheux
Andrea and Mike Gallien
Geni and Doug Garrison
Jacki and Gil Guerrero
Debbie and David Hairel
Bonnie and Mark Hanley

Rebecca and Matt Harrelson
Aletha and Jeff Harris
Dee and Bishop Bob Hayes
Missy and Wayne Herndon
Chelsea and Jim Hoopaugh
Jane and Greg Jordan
Nancy Koehler
Karen and Martin Krevalis
Donna and Anthony Lannie
Rev. Margarita McCarthy
Skye and Rev. Chris McLain
GK and Mark Merrill
Lauren and Joel Noyes
Rev. Dr. Jeff Olive
Rev. Brent Parker
Amy and Chris Petroff

Gina and Jimmie Price
Vicki Richmond
Susan and Ron Reilly
Bev and Dr. Ed Robb
Dana and Brent Saxon
Mike Schwehr
Linda and Mark Smith
Nycki and Rev. Mark Sorensen
Dr. Todd Still
Suzanne and Bill Sullivan
Aimee and Adam Thurlow
Lauren and JW Turner
Rev. Karen Tyler
Tammy and Gary Walston
Michelle and Taylor White
Jaci Zahn