Grief Support | The Woodlands Methodist Church

Grief Support

Learn how your experience of grief can be transformed into something positive.

Group Details

Grief Share: A 13-week small group experience navigating the challenges of grief. This course explains both the spiritual and practical issues of grief and suggests specific strategies to guide you back to fullness of life.  Grief Share Group Cost: $20. (scholarship available - please contact Susan Goldsmith)

Loss of Spouse Seminar:  Your life will never be the same, but we believe that this seminar will enable you to face the future with a measure of hope.

Surviving the Holidays Seminar: You'll be able lessen the  emotional impact of the holidays by knowing what to expect and being prepared.  You'll  receive the tools to enable you to survive the coming holiday, and so you can face them with a measure of peace and assurance.

Healing from Overdose Grief:  In this gathering, we will discuss the stages of healing experienced by those who have lost someone due to an overdose as outlined in Understanding Your Grief after a Drug Overdose Death by Alan Wolfelt. 

Grief Share 13 week program

Monday PM Woodforest Campus

Surviving the Holidays

Monday, November 4 Woodlands Campus

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Contact Susan Goldsmith