Yahweh's Ya Ya's | The Woodlands Methodist Church

Yahweh's Ya Ya's

Thursday at 11:00 AM

The Yahweh Ya Ya's is a gentle place to land, to find community, to be seen and to feel God's love and presence. Women of every age group come together to enjoy fellowship and grow closer to God through various Bible Studies and activities. We will be studying "Seek First the Kingdom" learning in the confusion and sheer volume of ideas vying for our attention, we must constantly return to the words of Jesus to find our focus, our purpose, and the foundation for a flourishing life.

Group Details

Fall 2024

Thursdays | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Asbury Hall

September 26 - November 21

Seek First the Kingdom by Christine Hoover


In the confusion and sheer volume of ideas vying for our attention, we must constantly return to the words of Jesus to find our focus, our purpose, and the foundation for a flourishing life. Using parables and stories, Jesus spoke often of the kingdom of God as what matters. In other words, the kingdom of God defines who we are and what we do as Christians. Join Christine Hoover for an in-depth exploration of the book of Matthew. She'll help you understand the culture of the kingdom of God—what it is, how we enter it, and the life Jesus offers us within the kingdom. Learn how to find everlasting joy as a citizen of the kingdom.

Pick up a copy of the study guide from your favorite bookstore or website.

Childcare Provided?: Yes

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